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Joining YMC 


Persons wishing to join the YMC must first become Aspirant Members as a Family, Single Parent, Single, Student or Junior Member. Each would-be Aspirant must visit our membership pages and buy a subscription. Aspirant Members must attend YMC meets  including a hut meet, preferably a “housekeeping” meet, to enable the Club to become acquainted with them, and to enable the Aspirant to demonstrate a positive contribution and interest in engaging in Club activities, before they can apply to become Full Members. We offer a reduced subscription for those joining after 30th June as Family, Single Parent or Individual members.

Application for Full Membership must be made to the Committee on the “Proposal for Full Membership of the Yorkshire Mountaineering Club” form (go to “Forms” in the drop down menu) submitted to the Club Secretary. This must be supported by a “Letter of Support” from the applicant’s Proposer and countersigned by the Seconder, who must be current Full Members. The election of Full Members is at the discretion of the Committee. Since an annual subscription will have been paid as an Aspirant, no further subscription is payable until renewal on the next 1 January.

In the case of lapsed YMC Members wishing to rejoin the YMC, to enable the Committee to decide, visit our membership pages and buy the appropriate Aspirant subscription - a full annual subscription for applications made before 1 July, or a reduced subscription for applications made on or after the 1 July. Please contact the membership co-ordinator with details of the periods of your previous Membership.

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