Hut Terms & Conditions
These rules allow for the safe and secure use of the club’s hut and cottage at 2-3 Coppermines Cottages, Coniston, by members and their guests in the pursuit of the club’s stated objectives.
Definition of Terms
Hut: The facility accessible by the door on the left of the property. It contains 20 bed spaces spread over three rooms.
Cottage: The facility accessible by the door on the right of the property. It contains 8 bed spaces.
Both facilities are available for use by full members and aspirant members.
Full members can take two guests each. Aspirant members are not allowed to take guests and must be accompanied by a full member. Children of aspirant members, accompanied by a full member, may be allowed but only at the discretion of the Hut Booking Secretary.
Members are responsible for the conduct of their guests.
Spaces should be booked in advance by contacting the Hut Booking Secretary (ymchut@gmail.com). A booking is provisional until it has been confirmed by the Hut Booking Secretary
The Hut:
Can be booked exclusively or for a minimum six beds. Exclusive booking (including single room booking) will be charged at the normal rate for members and their guests (two per member). Additional guests, or bed spaces not taken, will be charges at the ‘commercial’ rate. The number of members and guests must be given to the Hut Booking Secretary at the time of booking.
The Members Cottage:
Is available to full members and their guests and aspirant members accompanied by a full member. Exclusive booking is not permitted.
Keys and Security
Full members of the YMC (but not aspirant members) can apply for a hut key. Hut keys are administered by the Treasurer. To get a key a £20 deposit must be paid by bank transfer to the club account and the Treasurer contacted (treasurer@theymc.org.uk) with details of where the key should be sent to. The key will be sent out once receipt of the deposit is confirmed.
Keys must not be loaned to anyone else and should not be identified as belonging to the YMC. Keys must be returned to the club on termination of membership or when further use is not required.
The adjoining door between hut and cottage must remain locked except where the club has exclusive use of both facilities. The keypad combination (on the Hut side of the door) must not be divulged to any non-member.
All doors and windows must be securely closed when the hut / cottage is unoccupied.
Registration and Fees
Immediately upon arrival at the hut / cottage, all users must enter their name and date of arrival in the logbook, located in the cottage. Persons under 18 years of age must be endorsed by the responsible adult. This entry must be completed on departure and the appropriate fees recorded.
The fees should be sealed in a money bag provided and deposited in the fees box. Payment is by cash, cheque (made payable to Yorkshire Mountaineering Club Ltd) or by on-line payment to the club bank account, using reference ‘hut fees, date’. A payment slip should be completed and enclosed with cash or cheque payments or put loosely in the fees box for those paying on-line.
Limitations of Use
Animals are not permitted in either facility. This rule does not apply to guide dogs when accompanied by their owner.
Radios, CD players, televisions or similar devices are not permitted. Personal music players should only be used with the agreement of other users. Musical instruments should only be played with the agreement of other users. Projection equipment may be used for showing mountaineering/outdoor photos/videos with the agreement of other users.
The use of illegal drugs is not permitted on the YMC property. This includes any outside space/building owned by the YMC. The club is required to inform the police of any such occurrence.
The total number of people sleeping in the hut / cottage must not exceed the number of bed spaces in each side.
Only YMC members’ vehicles are allowed to park in front of the hut / cottage.
Motor vehicles must be parked only in recognised locations and with regard to our neighbours. The YMC accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage to any vehicle thus parked.
Smoking is not permitted inside either facility.
Use by Children
Children under the age of 16 must be in the charge of a responsible adult at all times. It should be noted that the Club does not offer segregated sleeping accommodation.
On arrival, the electricity will need to be turned on at the consumer unit – located above the shelf by the door through to the visitors’ side.
Before leaving the hut at the end of your stay turn off the electricity again at the consumer unit.
Users are expected to treat the hut / cottage and all the facilities with due care. All breakages or damages must be reported to the Hut Wardens (ymchutwarden@gmail.com). The cost of repair or replacement may, at the discretion of the Committee, be charged to those responsible for the damage. Members are responsible for any damage caused by their guests.
Users should familiarise themselves with, and abide by, current notices posted in the hut / cottage.
Shortages of fuel, cleaning materials or other consumables should be reported to the Hut Warden as soon as possible. Where items are replenished, re-imbursement may be claimed by submitting receipts to the Treasurer.
It is expected that the facilities are left in a clean and tidy condition. Cutlery, crockery, etc. must be washed, dried and stored; the fridge emptied, cleaned and the door left open; floors swept/vacuumed; showers, shower rooms, sinks and toilets cleaned; stoves and hobs cleaned; fires cleaned and ashes removed; coal buckets refilled ready for the next users; etc.
All rubbish / recycling should be removed. There are recycling facilities in Coniston (just after the shops on Lakeside Road) and rubbish disposal points in Ambleside.
Users should give due consideration and respect to other users and our neighbours (this includes no noise between 2300 and 0700 hours).
Last updated January 2024
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